by Prof. Ashok Deorari



Standard treatment protocols (STP) for Management of Sick Newborns in Small Hospitals*WHO-CC AIIMS with the help of neonatologists from SEARO region have come out with STP’s for management of sick newborn at small hospitals with limited resources (newborn stabilisation units and first referral units). These are based on current evidence based practices advocated by WHO HQ (Managing newborn problems: a guide for doctors, nurses, and midwives, World Health Organization 2003) and experts’ opinion till date ( 2017). STP’s have undergone pilot testing among postgraduate medical students. The feedback suggested has been incorporated. We would welcome suggestions for further improvement.Disclaimer: We have taken utmost effort to ensure that no harm occurs from the application of these protocols. WHO-CC AIIMS however does not take any responsibility for harm or damage to patients, staff, care giver or equipments resulting from misinterpretation or misuse of these resource materials.NOTE: The clinical application of STPs has to be learnt with Certified Trainers in a competency based programme spread over a period of five days, which includes using wall charts, guidance notes, Demonstration on models, AV videos, return demonstration and feedback to learners for skills. .